Advancing Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques for Encrypted Drone Data in Cooperative Smart Grid Transportation

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Khairul Fadhil
Ali Batan Batan


With the growing adoption of cooperative smart grid transportation systems, the integration of drones for data collection, monitoring, and real-time communication has become increasingly prevalent. However, the reliance on resource-constrained drones poses significant challenges in ensuring the security and privacy of transmitted data without compromising performance. This study investigates advancements in lightweight cryptographic techniques tailored for securing encrypted drone data within cooperative smart grid environments. By focusing on optimizing encryption algorithms, such as elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), lightweight block ciphers, and hash-based authentication schemes, this work evaluates their performance in terms of computational efficiency, energy consumption, and resilience against adversarial threats. Moreover, the implementation of hybrid encryption protocols and secure key management schemes specifically designed for drones is discussed. The results demonstrate that integrating lightweight cryptography enhances data confidentiality, integrity, and availability while maintaining the operational efficiency of drones. This study offers a pathway for addressing the critical security demands of next-generation smart grid transportation systems, ensuring the scalability and interoperability of encrypted drone data communication. 

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How to Cite

Advancing Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques for Encrypted Drone Data in Cooperative Smart Grid Transportation. (2024). Open Journal of Robotics, Autonomous Decision-Making, and Human-Machine Interaction, 9(11), 10-17.